



Leading US major Chevron Corporation has completed the acquisition of Renewable Energy Group Inc (REG) following approval by REG stockholders.

今年早些时候,这家美国石油巨头签署了一份最终协议,以31.5亿美元的全现金交易方式收购了生物柴油生产商 REG 的已发行股票。

Earlier this year, the US major signed a definitive agreement to acquire biodiesel producer REG’s outstanding shares in an all-cash transaction for $3.15 billion.

REG 在一份声明中写道,此次收购将 REG 不断增长的可再生燃料生产和领先的原料能力与雪佛龙的大型生产、分销和商业营销地位相结合。

The acquisition combines REG’s growing renewable fuels production and leading feedstock capabilities with Chevron’s large manufacturing, distribution and commercial marketing position, the US major wrote in a statement.


The company believe that the transaction is expected to speed up progress toward Chevron’s goal to grow renewable fuels production capacity to 100,000 barrels per day by 2030 and bring additional feedstock supplies and pre-treatment facilities.

雪佛龙下游和化学品执行副总裁 Mark Nelson 说:“我们汇聚了具有互补能力、资产和客户关系的公司,使雪佛龙成为美国领先的可再生燃料公司之一。”

Mark Nelson, executive vice president of downstream & chemicals for Chevron, said: “We have brought together companies with complementary capabilities, assets, and customer relationships to make Chevron one of the leading renewable fuels companies in the United States.”


“Chevron now offers our customers an expanded suite of cost-effective, lower carbon solutions that utilise today’s fleets and infrastructure.”

公司还任命 REG 前总裁兼首席执行官 Cynthia CJ Warner 为雪佛龙董事会成员,从今天起生效。

The company has also appointed Cynthia CJ Warner, formerly president and CEO of REG, to Chevron’s board of directors, effective today.

雪佛龙董事长兼首席执行官 Mike Wirth 在谈到这项任命时表示:“CJ Warner 在传统能源和可再生能源领域都有丰富的经验。”

Commenting on the appointment, Chevron chairman and CEO, Mike Wirth, said: “CJ Warner has deep experience across both the traditional and renewable energy sectors,”


“Her perspective and guidance will be invaluable as Chevron leverages its strengths to deliver lower carbon energy to a growing world,” he concluded.


Chevron is one of the world’s leading integrated energy companies.

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