



Sahara International Petrochemical Co (Sipchem) signs an agreement with Maersk Saudi Arabia to export its products through King Abdullah Port to enhance its position among petrochemical producers.

Sipchem 在推特上表示,这笔交易将使Sipchem能够加强其在石化生产商中的地位,并以更低的成本更快地在全球推广其产品。

The deal will enable Sipchem to strengthen its position among petrochemical producers, and market its products worldwide faster and for a lower cost, Sipchem said in a tweet.


According to Sipchem, the main aim of this agreement is to satisfy our customers’ requirements in Europe and Africa, particularly in the backdrop of current supply chain challenges

Sipchem 商务副总裁 Mater Al Dhafeeri 表示:“我们通过阿卜杜拉国王港能够在尽可能短的时间内高效地交付产品。”

“Our presence in King Abdullah Port enables us to deliver our products in the shortest possible time and with high efficiency,” said Mater Al Dhafeeri, commercial vice president of Sipchem.

该公司在提交给沙特证交所的一份文件中说,它已经完成了国际乙酰基公司(International Acetyl Co.,简称 IAC)工厂的定期维护工作,并已重新开始运营。

In a filing to the Saudi stock exchange, the company said it has completed the scheduled periodic maintenance of its International Acetyl Co. (IAC) plant and has re-started operations.


During the turnaround, it completed all the required works as per the scheduled plan, which will enhance the plants’ efficiency and increase its reliability,” the filing said.


This will also help achieve the company’s operational plans,” it added.

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